The historic Wilton Public and Gregg Free Library is located in a Classical Revival brick building on Forest Street, near the north end of Wilton's downtown area. The building was built in 1905-07 and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to touring this historic building, which includes original tile mosaics and a spectacular rotunda, visitors can take advantage of a wide range of Library programs. For more details on library activities and programs, hours of operation, the library catalog and access to research tools, downloadable e-books and audio books, and more, please visit the Wilton Library website
On the top floor of the Library are the Wilton Historical Society rooms, which house artifacts and displays on Wilton history. It is open to the public on Thursdays between 1:30 PM and 5 PM, year-round.
For more information, or to request historical research assistance, see the Wilton Historical Society website.